It is with real regret that the Board of Trustees must announce the closure of The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation as of 17th January 2025.

While we have experienced overwhelming demand since the charity started in March 2020, an increasingly difficult fundraising environment has made it impossible for us to continue.

However, we will always be incredibly proud of our achievements:

  • 20 staff rest spaces refurbished, providing comfortable places for breaks and meals

  • £255,000 of grants delivered, supporting healthcare workers through difficult financial times

  • £90,000 spent on counselling sessions for healthcare workers to support their mental health

  • C-19 Supported a dozen families who lost a healthcare worker parent to Covid-19 by providing access to legal support, tutoring, counselling and respite breaks.

  • £70,000 Made grants of almost £70,000 to support the children who had lost a healthcare worker parent through further education.

  • £1.9m Distributed almost £1.9 million of gift in kind including PPE, food donations and wellbeing gifts.

Are you a healthcare worker who needs support?

If you are a healthcare worker seeking support, we have compiled a list of other organisations that may be able to help you here.

We continue to believe that the best of the NHS is in its people. To all those working in the healthcare sector, and on behalf of the British public. Thank you.