Supporting healthcare workers through the cost of living crisis
At the Healthcare Workers’ Foundation (HWF) we can now provide financial assistance of up to £1,000 to struggling healthcare workers and their families.
With the cost-of-living crisis rumbling on, fuel costs at an all-time high, food costs spiralling upwards and below inflation pay rises, staff are increasingly feeling the pinch, with many considering leaving the profession in pursuit of higher paying employment.
Comedian, author and former doctor Adam Kay is backing our initiative, “Healthcare workers aren’t immune to the cost-of-living crisis. In fact, poorly paid healthcare staff are likely to be among those hit the hardest. The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation grants will prove invaluable to the huge numbers of staff currently facing the unthinkable situation of not being able to heat their homes or afford to travel to work.”
To meet the need of our beneficiaries, we have launched two funds. A ‘general fund’ that is a grant of up to £1,000 for a particular item/cost or service that applicants are unable to pay for. And a ‘rainy day fund,’ which is a grant of up to £250 that can be spent in any way that helps with outgoing costs.
Dr Chris George, GP and spokesperson for HWF, said: “The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing shortages in the NHS, demands on an already overburdened health system and the cost-of-living problem on top, have all combined to exacerbate the mental health concerns that a large proportion of the workforce were already experiencing.”
“We have staff unable to pay rising energy bills, unable to pay for childcare or urgent housing repairs and having to access foodbanks to get by - some hospitals even have food banks for their staff who can’t afford the basics. Having access to a grant will make a difference to so many. I urge anyone who is finding times financially hard, to apply.”
Anyone working in a healthcare setting, regardless of whether employed by the NHS directly or not, such as doctors, nurses, dentists, healthcare assistants, professional carers, porters and administrative staff can apply for the charity’s support.
“We hear from the individuals we support just how bad things are right now – and worse is to come,” said Julie Child, Chief Executive at the Healthcare Workers’ Foundation.
“Because of the cost-of-living crisis, healthcare employees are not only coping with increased pressure at work but also an increase in financial demands at home. Budgeting can only go so far in addressing these issues. Our support initiative aims to lessen some of the possible financial hardships many members of the healthcare workforce may be facing. After all, a decent healthcare system benefits us all!”
In addition to financial assistance, we also offer counselling, bereaved family support and staff room refurbishments.
With the increase in demand on our services, but a decrease in donations, we are also seeking donations to help us continue our valuable work.