What we've done
Our achievements

The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation exists to deliver the support that healthcare workers need most, when they need it.

How we began

As a small organisation, HWF has been able to spring into action to provide urgent solutions. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked hard to provide what was needed and we did it quickly.

  • We distributed almost £1.9 million of gifts in kind including PPE, food donations and well-being gifts to healthcare workers during the height of the pandemic
  • We supported a dozen families who had lost a healthcare worker parent to COVID-19 by providing access to legal support, tutoring for their children, counselling and respite breaks

Ongoing achievements

Our commitment to responding quickly, and our ability to do so, is still central to what we deliver. With the public’s support, we make a real difference to the lives of healthcare workers, from cleaners, porters, healthcare assistants, dentists and pharmacists to doctors and nurses.

We have identified counselling, financial support and support for bereaved families as substantial areas where we can, and do, make a difference.

HWF was founded as a response to the COVID-19 crisis and was able to offer desperately needed support focussed around helping healthcare workers get through the pandemic. As the situation has moved on, we have used our research to identify where we can be most effective in our continued support.

“I wouldn’t be here without the HWF. They organised therapy in July last year after I developed PTSD.”

Look at who we’ve supported

Find out about some of the work we do.